Special Olympics Golf Outing
While constructing the Residences of Rowley Country Club, Artisan Building Group held an appreciation day for the staff from Special Olympics Massachusetts North at the newly renovated golf course. Together, thirty golfers enjoyed a gorgeous fall morning of golf, followed by lunch with the developers.
“The Special Olympics coaches and staff dedicate so much time and effort to teaching developmentally challenged youth, we thought it would be a great way to say ‘Thank You’ to those who bring joy to so many families.”
- Thomas O'Connell

A Challenge Accepted!
If you were using social media this past summer, you could not have missed the ice water phenomenon. Lots of challenges made, ice water dumped, and money raised for a very special cause near and dear to the Artisan Building Group team and friends.
Many ArtisanBGI members participated in the Ice Bucket Challenge to show support for Amytrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) awareness. Of those who participated, President Anthony Messina, Safety Director Steven Dotolo, and Project Manager Jackie Mercurio completed the challenge construction style, and of course with safety in mind!

Gerry Playground, Marblehead
Artisan Building Group volunteered their services to the Marblehead Recreation and Parks Department in the construction of a children's playground adjacent to one of their developments in Marblehead.
“The project has received many positive responses and has greatly improved the appearance of the new playground. Thank you again for your assistance in completing this proejct and please pass on my thanks to the rest of your staff for their help.”
- Superintendent of Marblehead Recreation & Parks Department